
20 | He/Him

Art Commissions

Commissions are CLOSED

Terms of service

TOS must be read BEFORE the commission process is started.


My art portfolio! Check me out for my best art examples.

Art Commissions

Please contact me via email to commission me.


Fully Rendered
Headshot ✧ $35
Half-body ✧ $50
Full Body ✧ $70

Simple Background ✧ Free
Weapons ✧ +$10-$15
Detailed background ✧ starts at $25
(outdoor scenary, full rooms etc)
Standard Chibi
✧ $20 ✧
Only Available in Full Body
Mochi Chibi
✧ $10 ✧
Only Available in Full Body
Commercial Pricing
Artworks can be discussed for commercial use. This includes any sort of merchandise or images that may be sold. Commercial Pricing starts at 2.5x the original price, but may increase depending on it's use.

Terms of service

Section I. Image copyright
Section II. Payment Information
Section III. Contact and Communication
Section IV. Will/ won't draw
Section V. Workflow Process
Section VI. Wig Commissions

SECTION I. IMAGE COPYRIGHT✧ I, the artist, retain full and exclusive rights to the original artwork. The client may not claim it as their own or use it for anything other than personal use.✧ All commissioned artwork is for noncommercial purpose only.✧ Redistribution of my artwork for use in printed merchandise or as promotion of goods or services is prohibited. If you have any questions about this, ask me before commissioning me.Conditions for Reposting
✧ The client has my permission to repost the artwork wherever they would like, as long as proper credit is given (a link back to my Instagram page) and my watermark/signature remains intact and unaltered.
Prohibited Actions
✧ Altering my artwork in any way without asking for permission before hand, with the exception of cropping/resizing the image for an icon or other use.
✧ Use my artwork as references for your own, whether tracing or re-purposing parts of the image.✧ Claiming the artwork as your own.SECTION II. PAYMENT INFORMATION✧ I accept payment via PayPal or Ko-Fi✧ You will be given 24 hours to pay after a sketch is shown or a quote is given. Non-payment within 24 hours will result in the commission being cancelled.✧ Progress up to this point, if any, will be re-purposed as a YCH.✧ It is the commissioner's responsibility to tell me when the payment has been sent. Sometimes a payment will not fall through and I won't know about it. If you fail to tell me that you've sent the payment within 24 hours - and I know I absolutely haven't received the payment - then the 24 hour payment term applies to you.Refund Policy
✧ If the commission is cancelled (by me or the client) before work has started, then the client will receive a full refund.
✧ If the client cancels the commission during progress, the amount refunded will be on a case-by-case basis and up to the artist’s discretion. I do have a rough basis for refunds:
Sketch: 90%
Line: 50%
Line and Flat Color: 0%
✧ No refunds will be given for completed or nearly completed commissions.✧ The artist reserves the right to cancel a commission at anytime, for any reason, and without explanation.✧ If I cancel the commission due to my inability to complete it at any state, a full refund will be given.SECTION III. CONTACT AND COMMUNICATION✧ Discussion of commissions can be conducted via:
Instagram @staarquixotic
Discord Chat @starquixotic
Email [email protected]
✧ Visual Reference Guidelines
Client must provide at least one clear and concise visual reference; please supplement the visual reference with any important information I may need to know to correctly draw the character.
✧ If you link to a gallery of your character’s artwork, I cannot promise your design will be done with 100% accuracy. Design interpretations may be inconsistent between images and lessen my ability to accurately draw your character. Shading on potential pieces will also play a part in this.SECTION IV. WILL/WON'T DRAWBelow is a general guideline for what I will or will not draw. Please keep my art style in mind when ordering; I will not try to match another artist's or company's art style (example: Disney style, Pokemon style, etc)
Allowed Content
✧ Humans
✧ Gore
✧ Semi-NSFW
✧ NSFW (to a certain extent)
✧ ⚠ Complicated Designs
✧ ⚠ Complicated Clothes
Disallowed Content
✧Characters intended to be or appearing underage in any sexual or suggestive context.
✧ Mecha (Ask)
✧ Extreme Fetishes (Ask)
✧ Any sort of hateful content, such as racism, transphobia, homophobia, and characters with Nazi/Soviet/etc. imagery or paraphernalia.
✧ You must be over the age of 18 to commission adult content. I am an Australian citizen and abide by Australian laws. Breaking this rule is extremely serious and will result in blacklisting/blocking on all social media, email, and any other means of contact. By ordering anything 18+/NSFW you are agreeing that you are at or above the age of 18.
SECTION V. WORKFLOW PROCESS✧ I work best when given some artistic freedom to create an image based on the characters you provide. I am happy to match a scene or pose that you have in mind, but please allow and expect some variation.✧ Estimated date to completion. If there are any delays in completion of a commission, I will personally notify the customer.✧ Completion of most commissions are generally estimated to take no more than roughly 3 to 4weeks. If for any reason I cannot complete a commission within 90 days of ordering, I will issue a full refund.✧ Works in Progress (WIPS). Certain commission types may or may not include a sketch approval stage. I will send any wips to the commissioner via our main communication platform. Progress will be paused until the sketch is confirmed.✧ Revisions and edits. If the commission type includes a sketch approval stage, any major changes or revisions must be made at this stage; this includes any significant changes to a character’s pose or body shape, or redrawing parts of the image.✧ After the sketch has been approved, no major edits or changes will be made. If the commissioner requests additional edits after the approved sketch, a price for the edits may be discussed.✧ If I, the artist, make any errors in the character design, accessories, or any other visual elements specified in the provided visual references, I will make these edits at no additional cost.✧ If you do not want me to post your commission online, you must tell me when you order.If these terms are broken, you will be privately blacklisted from commissioning me

Thank you for your interest in my artwork. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions!Version 1.1
Created: 22/02/2023
Last Updated: 15/02/2024
This TOS may be subject to change at any time without notice. Changes will not be applied retroactively.
